Saturday, August 27, 2011

13 Down, 13 To Go.


This was a loooong week, exercise-wise. =/
Monday: PT with Trav; good 50-minute conditioning run.
Tuesday: 45 minutes strength (full body circuit x 3); TKB. Count me exhausted.
Wednesday: not-as-good 30-minute conditioning run; soccer game
Thursday: 45 minutes strength; soccer game
Friday: god bless a day off!!

Ok, let me be clear to all those half-marathoners who go around saying they're running a "marathon" (here's looking at you, annoying TPI girls): they call it a HALF-marathon for a reason. It is half of what a marathoner runs. I say this because I ran half a marathon this morning, and I can't believe I am dumb enough to do it twice, one continuously right after the other.

I decided to run a modified Disneyland Half course because I can't run the actual one. =( Although, Snail's Pace is offering a spot plus a one-day park hopper ticket for $195. Um, that's an expensive race, no? I was disinclined to to acquiesce to their request.

Anyhoo, here's the route:

Ok this looked a lot bigger on my desktop...

It's technically 13.5 miles. I did the whole route, buuuuut I did not hit the start button on my watch hard enough to actually start it and realized it 0.5 miles in (at Disneyland Dr.) See, DUMB.
I felt pretty good until the 8th mile. I got the GI problem again (come ON with that!!!) so it was pretty uncomfortable. By 10th mile, my legs were moving pretty slowly and were verrry fatigued. It was molasses-city.

Also, here's a point worth noting: uh, the mile on Euclid between Ball and Katella is dodgy at best. I was scared for my life... and it was 8:00 am. So maybe I don't run over there anymore.

So I somehow managed to get to Harbor and Katella, and there I ran into a hotel and used the toilet. Sweet relief. I think it was affecting me more than I realized because as soon as I left that hotel, pistons were ON, kids. I booked it the last 1.5 miles. I made up most of that lag time. I felt SO good. My legs weren't as fatigued and I finished super-strong.

Finish time was [1:57:48], which doesn't include that 0.5 mile in the beginning. Which is fine because 1) that'll be my warm-up, and 2) I managed to do my half-marathon in under 2 hours, which was my goal! AWESOME. When I was done, I walked for 5 minutes, did some post-run drills, walked some more, ate a protein bar, and downed 32oz of Gatorade.

Unfortunate calamity #1: chafing. Turns out, my best sports bra and favorite shorts aren't as "best and favorite" after 10 miles. They totally chafed me. I wanted to take a pic but I thought a photo of my underboob might be inappropriate. Sorry all you men out there.

Unfortunate calamity #2: my streak of "no injuries" is fading into oblivion. I have a tight groin on my right leg. It pulls when I do the runner's lunge and run downhill. I think I need to take it easy this week and see if it finds it's way out on it's own. And my right IT band is giving me some grief. I bought a new foam roller though, so that should help a lot, as well as my kick-ass Tiger Tail (ahhh, my boyfriend the Tiger Tail... he massages all my knots out). Fingers crossed I have no major injury reports next post.

So, to sum up, I only have to run that entire route one more time and that's 26 miles and that's what I will be running in January. Plus 0.2 miles. (There's an "EEEK" moment).

Side note: HO-HO-HOLY CRAP IS IT HOT OUT HERE! This weather blows! I can't run in this!


  1. Congrats! We need to talk nutrition to see if we can't figure out your GI question...

    Other than that, ice, ibuprofen, and rolling on the legs will keep things relatively healthy. Oh yeah, and not playing soccer all the time.

  2. I'm sorry Lise... I don't understand the last thing you said...
