Friday, June 10, 2011

Personal training: it's new

i had my first PT session with travis today. apparently, my triceps and shoulders didn't get the memo. they are total weaksauce. i can NOT do pushups. or those weird shoulder pushups. wow. there were abs, biceps, mini sprints... dear god. and i felt bad because trav had this whole session planned out and my damn knee ruined it. he had to make it up on the fly. i appreciated the rests while he thought of new stuff though. =) so next sesh is wednesday. weeeeeee.

soccer news! i played for the first time in like 6 weeks last night! we played a super easy team and had a full squad so it was a nice transition. i even managed to score and assist. it's alllll comin' back. knee is still iffy. i'm scared to do more because it's still not 100% and i don't know why. the doc better figure it all out on tuesday. watch... something's torn now. grrrrr. i mean, it pops when i move it laterally, and clicks when i get up chairs, not to mention the constant dull ache and large muscle knot. that just ain't right... right?

update from my last post: that 4 mile run last week went along swimmingly. i actually made it 4.5. and i did do parks hill. slowly at first, and i had to rest at the intersection before phase II, buuuut i did it! and it hurt. not death-hurt, but normal run-hurt. so i was pretty happy about that.

running apparel!! i need it! i bought some UA running shorts yesterday. but seriously, all the good running shit is expensive! i need shorts that don't chafe, a sports bra that keeps in the ladies, and a breathable running shirt. although i might just run the damn marathon in my sports bra (by then, my PT should have given me flatter abs and NO love handles!!). and my running sneaks have just about had it. not to mention the fact that i want to try minimalist shoes just to see how it feels.

then there's the accessories. oh lord. i really need a good running watch. should i spring for that nike shoe thing that tracks my miles and times and all that jazz? and what am i supposed to do about holding protein and energy snacks? i hate putting things in pockets.

this post was so boring, *i* was falling asleep reading it. i'll try to be more witty next post, but hey, cut me some slack. my body is still recovering. tomorrow: tkb!!!

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