Monday, June 6, 2011

Competition Begins in 212 days

it's finally happened. i've changed the subtitle to my blog. huzzah.

ok, what's really happened is in march i decided to sign up for the disney world marathon. yes people, i've gone barking. i blame lisa.

this NEW and IMPROVED blog will (attempt) to showcase my training and all the drama that comes with it. technically, training doesn't start until july 4, but i'm starting the blog now because i know i won't post again until, ah, may-tember?

melissa, why are you running 26.2 miles?
BECAUSE I CAN!" if i can run 15, i can run 26." simple as that. and i've run 15. lisa inspired me. i only wish she could run with me. =(

melissa, why are you going to disneyworld to run this?
i can't think of a better place to torture myself. plus, i make a vacation out of it, and even if god forbid, i don't finish (please... we're finishing), i'm at disneyworld people. mum has promised me a churro no matter what.

melissa, how are you training for this?
3-day a week schedule starting july 4. i'm making my 4th of july 5 mile run in the sierras my tip off. i was 1st place last year, so i need to make it a back-to-back. the pressure!

ok i'm done answering questions. here is the lowdown lately:

i've been injured with this stupid knee thing for like 5 weeks so i haven't been running. last week i tried an easy 3-miler. eh, not so much the easy. i felt like i was going sooo slow. turns out, i was. i took me like 30 minutes. come on now.

then, last thursday, i tried again. i've been having some tough emotional problems, so i really wanted to push myself to pain. it worked! i ran 6 miles in the heat and almost died. well, almost fainted anyway. it was the toughest most grueling run i have done in a verrry long time. i could barely see straight, and on the 5th mile hill, i was going so slow, i was almost walking. the dehydration was incredibly taxing. my mom was pisssssssed...

today i am trying a 4-miler. but this time, i am waiting for the SUN to go away, and i am NOT doing hills. we'll see if i come back alive.

on a related note, it's like everyone and their mother is doing the LB half this year. WTF?

next post topic: running apparel! why i need to fork over hundreds of dollars on shoes, shorts, shirts, and other crap. spare watch, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! So excited to see you posting, and so flattered by the credits thrown my way. I can't wait to follow the journey and help in any way I can...

    By the way, I might be willing to work out a deal to see if I can get my bum out to FL to help you out ;)
