Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hit Me Baby, One More Time...

So, blog #2, like a million years later. I just can't get a good flow going with this "blog" thing. It's almost like I'd rather be *living* than *writing* about living. Weird...

Anyway, I wish I could post something truly incredible about my weight loss, but truthfully, I've hit a wall. Can't lose pounds or drop body fat anymore. I'm pushing myself with two-a-days, but it's clearly not enough for my body (to be clear, my two-a-days aren't like regular two-a-days. Mine consist of running 4-5 miles, then playing 1 or 2 games of soccer a few hours later).

And I'm trying to cut back on calories, but when you're pushing your body, it need nutrients! I can't DEPRIVE my body if it yearns for a cupcake! Or Yogurtland (btw, Root Beer Float flavor making an appearance at your local Yogurtland. I highly recommend a large cupful for maximum delicious effect).

Also I found recently found out that I have a new addiction a la cupcakes, only saltier. Tortilla chips & salsa. Now, I've always loved me some C&S, but when I devoured two basketfuls at On the Border the other night, I fully realized the detrimental effect this newfound addiction may have on my diet regime. This needs to stop now. Someone intervene. Help a sister out.

I have a few more injuries to welcome to the party. May I introduce Mr. Right Ankle Tendon ("he makes walking in heels unbearable!"), and Mr. Left Upper Thigh ("what a pain to get up off chairs!"). YAY! I don't know how I do these things, but I always just ignore them, run anyway, and hope they go away. They have met Mr. Stick, and I think it's going to be a match made in heaven.

Rereading this entry, I think I need to change the titles to "Miss Barfs Her Brain." I can't even put together a proper thought text flow. Good thing I spent all that time in writing classes for that JOURNALISM degree. Yeesh. May have well been a Comm Major (ooohhhh! burn to all comm majors!).

Back to fitness, the best I can say is that I'm holding steady at 120. Go me. And also, I need to do a long run really soon. I haven't gone past 6 miles in a few weeks. I need to visit Lisa to get a good run in.

I have been on a super scoring streak the last two weeks. I score every game, and I've had 3 hat-tricks, and two games where I've scored 4 goals per game. What's going on here? Oh thats right; I'm awesome!

And we beat that damn Rosary High Reunion team, thank God. Scored on a breakaway, one-on-one with the keeper. It was solid. And I made moves around all those RHS varsity girls. Who varsity now, bitch? (ok, slightly mean, but it felt good!)

Got a couple ("how many?" COUPLE!!) of tournaments coming up - San Diego and Vegas. *So* excited!

The gym was a nice change of pace this morning. Sunday mornings are officially tied with Friday nights as the best time to work out. NO ONE is there. I was able to monopolize the cross-train cable machine today. That never happens! I did some new moves from Self Magazine. A couple ("how many?" COUPLE!) worked really well, but some (the abs and glute ones - the ones I care most about) didn't really do much. Unless I shouldn't feel anything. But that doesn't seem right. Eh, I've got my new Fitness mag so maybe that will have some new ideas for next week.

Off to bake some almond-vanilla cupcakes! (Hey, man, they're reduced sugar, AND will be made with applesauce, ok????)

PS: This week it was discovered that Nicholas had never heard the words "kismet" and "wick" (as in moisture, not candle) before I came into his life. He's pretty...

1 comment:

  1. This post had me laughing out loud (Skyler too). You are welcome any time -- I need to get back on the long run horse myself.

    "Also I found recently found out that I have a new addiction a la cupcakes, only saltier." *Ding*

    Mr. Stick makes friends wherever he goes, doesn't he?

    Those cupcakes sound incredible. Let me know how hey turn out!

    Kismet may be one of the best words ever... how does one's vocabulary survive without it?

    Love you!
