it's the first post! how exciting!
let's recap about what this thing is about, shall we?
1) topics
a) health - diet & food
b) fitness - exercise, including but not limited to running, soccer, and the gym
c) goals - body: weight loss/managment, body fat percentage, water weight
fitness: half-marathon & marathon training, soccer scoring, weight lifting
d) fun - cuz the three topics above aren't, and...
e) random - thus is life.
2) rules
a) the rules are, there ain't no rules
3) for your information
a) there will be frequent quotes from random tv shows , movies (see rules 2a for an example), and certain KROQ morning shows sprinkled throughout every post. i use them in my everyday jargon, so get used to it
b) i welcome comments
c) ... but only positive ones (too much in-fo-mation and sh*t, man!)
now that that's over with, we can move on to more exciting stuff... like my weight loss!
*all blog post titles will be song/movie/tv shows titles, quotes and/or lyrics until i get extremely lazy, get a new stupid idea of a way to be creative on this thing, or can't find one to correlate with the topic. let the great experiment begin!!!