Monday, July 25, 2011

The 7-Day Itch

Well kids, it has been awhile. But it hasn't hit a month YET, so hey, I'm improving.

I'll start with this past week, bc my post title wouldn't make sense otherwise.
It has been one whole week between runs. See how dedicated I am? 7 days of no running.

Sunday 7/17: Irvine Mud Run! SO fun. It was a total blast. I ran the whole thing and did all the obstacles. My thighs were exhausted by the last 100 yards - which is where they decided to put all the deep puddles and slippery slopes. Highlight was wading in mud with the tailed hotness of Ted Stryker *swoon*. He beat me in the end - by a tail, as Miss Lisa would say. ;o)
I hope we do it again next year.
Psycho Mike would love my camel toe here.

On Monday I did strength with Travis and neglected my 1st conditioning run. Everything good and great there. On Tuesday, I was finally back to TKB. I pushed it as always after an hour of abs, back, and lunge work. Ahhh, then there's Wednesday. That was the worst day. I woke up so sore it was unbelievable. My left hamstring was incredible tight (ding!) and my right knee was acting up. I couldn't do any running that day either. I just stretched and tried some strength. But technically, I didn't do anything. Thursday, I had PT scheduled with Travis. It was a disaster! My muscles were shot. Trav quit early and Tiger Tailed my left thigh. It was heaven! He rolled out my tight muscles and I was able to play soccer! (two goals, thankyouverymuch!). Friday, I went to the fair, so no exercise there! Saturday I did an hour of strength . and then, SUNDAY, bloody Sunday, I was finally able to hit the pavement. I did my required 7 miles, and it was great. I paced mostly 9 minute miles, and I was barely winded when I finished. Nothing hurt. I was really proud of my success. I had expected to have to walk up Gilbert hill (last 1.5 miles is all uphill), but I was able to run up it no problem. Hooray!

Oh, and just for kicks, let's journey back...
I ran that Twin Lakes 5 miler on the 4th of July in Bridgeport, and I may as well announce it to the world of blog (a blatant disregard of the use of the word "blogosphere") that I most certainly did NOT win the race for my age division. I came in THIRD. Ugh. What a major disappointment. This was the most uncomfortable race I've ever run, for many reasons... one in particular I will not utter here for FEAR of spilling "too much in-fo-mation 'n shit, man!" But yes, it was over 80 degrees at race start, my shorts are chafe-city, and the first 2 miles are unshaded asphalt and I told myself to quite three times before I hit the other side of the lake. I was sorely tempted to accept that offer. But I persevered! I killed 2 minutes off last year's time (45:20) and fully expected to be #1. These bitches must've trained all year bc I was behind them by like 2 minutes! *groan*
Me in happier times, prior to the start of the race.

Now that we're all caught up, I'm heading out for the devil of all run workouts: HILL REPEATS! What am I thinking? It's like high school xc practice. Ugh.
So the plan is running a mile to the hill, then do 5 peats, then running the mile back. Should be a fun and exciting time.

This weekend, 9 miles. Check it.